


Killeena House

Killeena House

If changing your job and moving home are both on the list of most stressful life events then how do you feel after doing both in one fell swoop? A little bit shell-shocked I can assure you! Over the last couple of weeks we have unexpectedly moved from our picturesque cottage by the shore to a country estate with 12 self-catering apartments, 4 acres of gardens and woodlands, a boat shed, sauna, and tennis courts! We are the new, if briefly overwhelmed, estate managers of Killeena House in Creagh, just outside Baltimore. A few weeks ago we saw a discreet sign in the local newspaper looking for a mature couple (we’re mature at heart, honest) to live-in on a small West Cork estate; there was no other information but we went with the “risk it for a biscuit” philosophy. And here we are.

We live in the “big” house which is done in a curiously Dutch style on the outside and an Austrian country house vibe on the inside; except for the kitchen which is as traditional an Irish back kitchen as you can get, though there are bells to summon the staff – now defunct..the bells..and the staff. The self-catering apartments are modern, clean and unfussy; some with huge conservatories. The most popular ones seem to be the single twin bedroomed apartments which suggests that some of our clientèle prefer an undisturbed night’s rest rather than romantic endeavours. There are also double bedroomed and two bedroomed options, all with open fires as well as central heating.  The open fires are fuelled by wood from the beautiful informal woodland which I have still to fully explore. We did find a lion fountain head over a deserted pond which I am determined to get spouting again, if I find time in between chopping wood, whizzing around on my sit-on lawn mower, painting, weeding, oh and of course running West Cork College!

One of the wonderful things about this new project is that the owner of Killeena House is very enthusiastic about us running our courses and writers’ retreats from here. The formal dining room will reverberate to the sounds of Yeats and Heaney, while in the sauna, Austen recitals will be given. Possibly.

So, expect news from the front line of accommodation acclimatisation and continuing updates on the adventures of academics in action. Now where the hell are the lights for the games room…..

The bluebell woods at Killeena

The bluebell woods at Killeena